
You can find the code and other cool projects on my GitHub.


BackTrack project and website.

BackTrack is a privacy-focused app that lets you effortlessly identify which Instagram users aren’t following you back, using locally uploaded JSON data without needing your login credentials.


StreetScape project and website.

StreetScape promotes inclusive education by allowing sighted and visually-impaired children to utilize tactile learning tools and foster spatial awareness through interactive, accessible street puzzles.

Virtual Date Dinner

Visa Chart Component example image and website.

Designed a Virtual Dinner Date web application using React and CSS3 for a responsive, interactive user experience. Features include a dynamic date scheduling interface with react-datepicker.

Brandeis Sport Complex

Crafted an interactive web application for the Brandeis Sports Complex, facilitating seamless member interaction through event postings, and dynamic API integration for event update